Online purchasing? Here are our T&C's
At the mo we only send to the UK – of course if you are outside of our lovely island then please get in touch and I can speak to out lovely postie to figure out a shipping charge!
I always attempt to get items send within 3-4 days of purchase, if for whatever reason there is a delay I’ll always get in touch and let you know! A lot of my items are handmade to order so it does take a while to get the kids entertained with food, craft or any other time consuming activity and get my making hat on! If you need it quick, please let me know and I’ll do my very best!
Not over the moon and back?
Oh goodness, how we hope you’ll love your purchase as much as we have loved making it and packaging it up for you! If for whatever reason you’re not 100% over the moon please get in touch! We will happy provide a refund and exchange of goods within 4 weeks of purchase.
Sadly we cannot refund shipping costs unless your item arrived in a less than perfect condition!
The home of freckles & fire…
Merry Oast, 8 Manor Close, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8YB
Wonderful workshop T&C's
Our promise
Pretty simple as it goes. You (or your little one) will enjoy a fabulous workshop. We'll obviously provide all the materials you could possibly need, and make sure you come away with a creation to be proud of!
It's never happened before but if for some reason we have to cancel a workshop (let's be honest, having seen some rather spectacular weather conditions hitting our super town in 2015, we're sure any cancellation will be caused by the good old English weather!) we will let you know as soon as possible (hence the reason for taking a telephone number upon booking!), give you a full refund and also offer you a 10% discount on an alternative date. Our little way for saying sorry!
Super important workshop info.
Please arrive 5 minutes early to settle in, there's coats to hang, seats to be taken and intros to be made before the actual hard graft begins!
Sadly because we have kept all costs to an absolute minimum there are no refreshments other than some beautifully flavoured water throughout the workshop. Never fear though upstairs is, without a shadow of a doubt, the best tea and coffee in RTW! And don't get us started on the cake. A MAZE ING.
Finally - our workshops really are good fun, we'll be inspiring you throughout and certainly getting those creative juices flowing. As a consequence we can't promise to finish on the dot of the promoted time. Sometimes we manage it but others, well, not so much. As much as we try to be super doper time keepers, the plan doesn't always follow through. Please allow a little flex in the end time and if you need to be away on the dot then let Laura or your tutor know!
Now to the booking part.
We're obviously rather excited to have developed this website for you and to make it all easy at the beginning of the workshop have a built in payment system. That means that we do require full payment at the time of booking. Hope this is all with you all!
As you may have figured out some of the workshops are a bit like hot cakes, therefore your booking space is only confirmed once you have received confirmation from us. We'll do everything we can to accommodate everyone who wants to join us, but as we like a small and intimate workshop affair, bookings are on a first come first serve basis.
The dreaded cancellations...
Obviously we'd hate to lose you but with kiddies of our own, families, work, home and everything else we understand that life is life and things can annoyingly get in the way of you pampering your creative spirit. If you've booked and had your hot spot confirmed then the following terms apply if you suddenly need to cancel:
- 15+ days before the workshop date - we'll refund 75% of the workshop cost
- 7-14 days before the workshop date - we'll refund 50% of the workshop cost
- less than 7 days - we're so sorry but we can't refund you. We hope you understand that by this point materials have been brought, tutors all booked and its also unlikely we'll be able to fill your space. You are however MORE than likely to find another lucky person to take your spot and pass the creative love on.
Right, I reckon that's it on the T&C front. Now back to poring over some luscious liberty fabric. Swoon.