The inside manifesto
The inside manifesto
It’s a heart and sleeve kinda document. The one you have had in your head for just over 1,193 days.
This could be business suicide. It could open the doors. To be honest, it could go either way. But at the end of November this document, supported by the business plan and financial forecasting, will reach the inbox of the council. It will sit amongst all the other businesses who have an intention on the space.
I hope it will sing, grab their minds and ignite their souls.
But before it hits them, I wanted it to hit you. Because without you, freckles is a just another business. You give it, and me, the energy, the inspiration and the support. So here it is guys, the manifesto. Have a read and have an opinion.
If you then feel like you want to help realise this dream you can show your opinion (good or bad) by emailing the chap who will receive all those pitch documents - his name is max, he seems a nice chap. May not be my next BFF after sharing this with you lovely lot, but sometimes you gotta take one for the team -